NordBaltRemS Student Mobility Grants

Nordic Network for Baltic Remote Sensing has two mobility grants available for PhD students each year (2012, 2013, and 2014). The grant covers travel and accommodation costs for short research visits, with a maximum of 20.000 NOK.

The main aim of the research visits should be to allow PhD students to work with dedicated equipment, or to learn a special method (e.g. in the laboratory), which is not possible at the home organization because of lack of equipment or lack of knowledge, and to prepare a joint publication with the host institute.

To be eligible for this funding:

  • You have to be a PhD student
  • Your home institute or company or the host organization has to be a network partner of NordBaltRemS (check the list on the website)
  • The host organization has to agree on your visit and plans
  • You have to write a proper plan (about two pages) about your PhD project, the aims of your travel, the planning, your host, the expected outcome, and the expected travel and accommodation costs

Note that NordForsk allows full funding for Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark) while only 25% of the total funding can go to non-Nordic countries. Which means that only a few students from non-Nordic countries can receive a mobility grant during the full three years.

Applications and questions about the mobility grants can be sent at any time to Susanne Kratzer, coordinator of NordBaltRemS. There is no deadline for applications, as there is no certain date of handing out the grants; as soon as a proper plan has been approved it can be granted. However, the payments can only be requested after returning to the home institute and providing evidence of travel tickets and costs for accommodation.  If grants have not fully been used the money will be allocated to other applicants or moved to the next year.

More details on NordBaltRemS website.

Published Oct. 31, 2012 4:08 PM - Last modified Oct. 31, 2012 4:11 PM