

Time and place: , Tollboden in Drøbak, Oslo

The EuroMarine funded NorMER Alumni workshop is staring in one week!

Beyond climate change research in the Nordic Seas – COnnecting the Dots to REveal the Gaps (CoDReG)

Time and place: , Room 302, Athena building, Siltavuorenpenger 3 A, Helsinki, Finland

"Bioeconomic and game theoretic applications of optimal Baltic Sea fisheries management - Towards a holistic approach"

Time and place: , Auditorium Gamma, ICT Building, Joukahaisenkatu 3, Turku, Finland

"Patterns in diversity and function of benthic fauna in a coastal system under environmental change"

Time and place: , Oslo University, Blindern

Join us in Oslo, Norway in June for our final NorMER Meeting.

Time and place: , Nordenskiöldsalen, Geovetenskaps hus (Gelological Department), SU

"Multiple Drivers Effects on Marine Systems: Novel Approaches for Studying Structural Changes"


Time and place: , Riddersalen, Charlottenlund Castle (DTU Aqua)

"Fish stock assessment under data limitations: developing a new method based on a size-structured theoretical ecology framework"

Time and place: , Nucleus, Bikuben, the Kristine Bonnevie building

Title: "Under the surface: Disentangling climate effects on Calanus finmarchicus dynamics in a high latitude system"

Time and place: , Mercure Hotel Stockholm South

Join us in Stockholm, Sweden in September for the fourth annual NorMER meeting.

Time and place: , DTU Aqua, Charlottenlund Castle

"A time for every season. Seasonal cycles of plankton and fish"

Time and place: , Scandic Hotel, Copenhagen, Denmark

Please join us 29 September - 1 October 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark for the fourth annual NorMER meeting.

Time and place: , Åbo Akademi University, aud. Armfelt, Arken, (Fabriksgatan 2, Åbo)

"Interpreting marine benthic ecosystem functioning in coastal waters: validating the biological trait concept"

Time and place: , Reykjavik, Iceland

Join us in Reykjavik, Iceland in September for the third annual NorMER meeting.

Time and place: , Copenhagen, Denmark

The purpose of the workshop is to review state of the art, spur discussions and develop new ideas of trait based approaches in marine ecology and to define future research avenues through the gathering of active researchers in the field.

Time and place: , Flødevigen, Norway

The NorMER node at CEES is organizing a GAM workshop given by Lorenzo Ciannelli between the 22nd and 24th of May.

Time and place: , Charlottenlund, Denmark

NorMER researchers were involved in selecting the topics to be covered, so this course should be relevant to all NorMER students.

Time and place: , Helsinki, Finland

Join us in Helsinki, Finland in October for the second annual meeting for NorMER participants.

Time and place: , Oslo, Norway

 NCoE Course, Oslo 7-11 May 2012


Welcome to the first annual meeting for NorMER. Join us on October 11 and 12 in Oslo, Norway.