NorMER annual meeting 2011

Welcome to the first annual meeting for NorMER. Join us on October 11 and 12 in Oslo, Norway.


Monday October 10

The NorMER annual meeting starts officially at Tuesday 11. October. However, due to the early programme start (0930) some NorMER participants will have to arrive the 10th October.

Hotel for these persons will be booked by the NorMER administrational staff at: Hotel Gyldenløve (Address: Bogstadveien 20 (map))

1700 – A possibility to participate on a non-NorMER event (the annual Nansen lecture held by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in the Aula at the old university campus downtown Oslo (map)).

1900 - Informal social gathering for NorMER participants at Josefine (Address: Josefines gt 16 - map) close by Hotel Gyldenløve.

Tuesday October 11

0930 – 1130: Morning Programme.
Venue: University of Oslo, “Domus Academica” (Address: Karl Johans gate 47 (map))

0930 – 0940 Prof. Nils Chr. Stenseth (Chair of NorMER)
Welcome and short presentation of NorMER

0940 – 0950 Tora Aasland - Norwegian Minister of Research and Higher Education
“Science is important”

0950 – 1000 Kristine Gramstad - Norwegian Statssekretær
“Both free and applied research is important for management of marine resources”

1000 – 1010  Ole Petter Ottersen - Rektor at the Univ. of Oslo
“The Role of the University of Oslo”

1010 – 1040 Prof. Jeff Hutchings - Dalhousie University - Canada
"Using Science for Effective Fisheries Management and Sustainable Harvesting"

1040 – 1100 Prof. Kjetil S. Jakobsen – Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES),  Univ. of Oslo
"Sequencing the Cod Genome"

1100 – 1130 Johan Hjort Chair - Dr. Robert Dickson - Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
“The greatest show on Earth: extreme changes in our observational record and what they have revealed”

1130 Departure – bus to Holmen Fjordhotell (map)

1200 – 1300 Lunch

1300 – 1700: Afternoon Programme
Venue: Holmen Fjordhotell

1300 – 1500
NorMER PhD Project Presentations (15 minutes each)

- PhD B-2 Phytoplankton spring bloom influence on larval and juvenile fish survival. (2 months in Bergen, 2 months in Reykjavík) 
Ana Sofia Ferreira

- PhD B-5 Effects of freshwater-induced stratification on plankton and cod recruitment at Reykjavík (4 months in Bergen)
William Butler

- PhD B-X Developing morphological and life history markers of sub-stock structure in Icelandic cod at Reykjavik
Hlynur Bárðarson

- PhD C-2 Temperature and life-history at Bergen (4 months in Stockholm)
Rebecca Holt

- PhD C-3 Genetic analysis of historical cod tissue at Nuuk (4 months in Oslo)
Sara Bonanomi

- PhD D-1 Spatial population dynamics and management at Oslo (4 months in Helsinki) 
Giovanni Romagnoni

- PhD D-2 Stability of cooperative exploitation at Helsinki (3 months in Stockholm; 1 month in Åbo) 
Emmi Nieminen

- PhD D-3 Sensitivity of markets and rents at Helsinki (2 months in Oslo, 1 month in Tórshavn and 1 month in Nuuk) 
Maija Holma

1500 – 1520 Coffee Break

1520 – 1640 NorMER Postdoc Project Presentations (20 minutes each)

- Postdoc PD1 at Copenhagen - "Ideas and preliminary results from a grey-box ecosystem model of the North Sea"
Martin Wæver Pedersen

- Postdoc PD2 at Oslo - "Challenges of a changing climate -- Economics and fisheries management"
Florian K. Diekert

- Postdoc PD3 at Oslo - "Modelling the effects of climate on spatially structured cod stocks"
Lauren Rogers

- Postdoc PD4 at Stockholm - "Regime Shifts and Fishing Styles" 
Wijnand Boonstra

1640 – 1740 Postdoctoral Candidates seeking funding (20 minutes each)

- "Predictive recruitment modelling for adaptive fisheries management" 
Jennifer Devine

- "Social complexity in fisheries management" 
Andries Richter

- "Littoral habitat structure and lower order consumer composition on trophic gradients at Åland" 
Matias Scheinin

1900 Dinner at Holmen Fjordhotell

Wednesday October 12

0900  Nils Chr. Stenseth, CEES Chair, University of Oslo, Project Leader of NorMER

Introduction of NorMER Partner Roles

0910 – 1025 NorMER Partner Presentations:  Expertise, Infrastructure, and Data Availability (15 minute each)

-Carl Folke, Science Director, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Project Co-Leader of NorMER

-Joel Durant and Leif Chr. Stige, CEES, University of Oslo

-Erik Bonsdorff, Abo Adademi University, Finland

-Marko Lindroos, Fisheries Research Group, University of Helsinki

-Markus Meier, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)

1025 – 1055 Coffee Break

1055 – 1200 NorMER Partner Presentations continued

-William Butler and Hlynur Bárðarson, Marine Academic Research Iceland, University of Iceland

-Eyðfinn Magnussen, University of the Faroe Islands

-Dag L Aksnes, University of Bergen

-Ken H. Andersen, National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark

1200 – 1300 Lunch

1300 – 1700: Afternoon Programme (2 parallel sessions)

Session 1. Venue: Holmen Fjordhotell

NorMER Management, CAP Meeting
- NorMER project management logistics
- NorMER partner communication lines
- Announcements, courses, and
- The role of the Centre Advisory Panel (CAP)
- The role of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
- Discussion of how to make NorMER feel like a coherent Centre

Session 2. Venue: Holmen Fjordhotell

NorMER PhD and Postdoc Activities
- Introductory activity
- Group activity 1: Define a BIG question relevant to NorMER.
- Group activity 2: How would you design an experiment to answer a BIG question (with unlimited resources and access to equipment)
- Discussion of what is needed to make NorMER feel like a coherent Centre
- Free discussion time  

1700 – 1730 Closing

- Summary of how to utilize CAP and SAB expertise
- Summary of NorMER Partner vision for a coherent NCoE by Nils Chr. Stenseth
- Summary of PhD and Postdoc vision for a coherent NCoE by a young researcher representative

1800 Dinner at Holmen Fjordhotell

Published June 23, 2011 2:17 PM - Last modified Feb. 29, 2012 7:34 PM