Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change

 NCoE Course, Oslo 7-11 May 2012


The NCoE Course on «Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change» was arranged in Oslo 7-11 May 2012 at Holberg Hotel.

For participants in the course: scroll to the bottom for arrangement and reimbursement instructions.
Download the Lecture Plan.
Download the Participation List.
Download the lecture presentations below.

Day 1 (General Programme):
1. Michael Goodsite: from  NORD-STAR: An overview of atmospheric processes and their global impact. (not available)
2. Ken Drinkwater:
An overview of marine processes and climate change.
3. Raino Malnes:
How to address the communication of uncertainty in science and in policy: a climate change perspective.

Day 2 (NorMER Programme):
1. Ken Drinkwater:
Characteristics of Nordic marine ecosystems.
2. Joel Durant, Dag Hjermann, Leif Chr. Stige:
Climate effect on the ecosystem dynamics of the Barents Sea.
3. Arne Eide:
A bioeconomic perspective on fisheries management and climate and Policy and Management of Nordic marine ecosystems.
4. Lauri Oksanen from TUNDRA:
An overview of terrestrial processes/ecology and climate change.

Day 3 (Tundra Programme):
1. Lauri Oksanen:
Impact of grazing on the dynamics of rare arctic-alpine plants.
2. Pekka Niemelä:
Climate change and plant-herbivore interactions in arctic ecosystems.
3. Jouni Pulliainen:
Interaction between vegetation and climate.

Day 4 (Nord-STAR Programme):
1. Sirkku Juhola:
Climate policy & International perspectives to adaptation.
2. Mette Termansen:
The economics of climate change.
3. Kristian Lindgren:
Climate change mitigation and policy analysis tools: the GetOnline tool.
4. Henrik Knudsen:
Green Growth & Green Business Strategies.

Day 5 (Student Lectures):
1. Group 1 Lecture: National and international responsibility.
2. Group 2 Lecture: Priorities and challenges of climate change action.
3. Group 3 Lecture: Integration of climate change strategies.
4. Group 4 Lecture: Communicating climate change.

General Info:
How to go from the airport to the hotel: Description

ReimbursementsReceipts for travel and dinners should be sent to the University of Oslo – link to reimbursement instructions. Costs connected to accommodation, breakfast and lunch at the Hotel will be paid directly by the organizers.

Important information:
All participants (students, speakers and other affiliated persons) are requested to fill in a Detailed Registration Form to give information about arrival dates, food requirements etc. to the organizers. All participants should organize their own travel. Based on the information from the Detailed Registration Form the organizers will book the hotel (including room, breakfast, lunch) for all participants. Dinner will partially be organized by the organizers, and partially by the participant organizing themselves to eat at the hotel or at one of Oslo’s many restaurants.

(Due to limited funds for this course we appreciate if some of the participants are willing to share a double room at the Hotel – in that case you can enter this information into the Detailed Registration Form).

If you have questions regarding the lecture plan or the organisation of this course - please contact jason.whittington@bio.uio.no or gry.gundersen@bio.uio.no


Published May 12, 2012 2:20 PM - Last modified May 18, 2012 11:01 AM