Reimbursement of expenses connected to the NorMER arrangements 1-7 October, Helsinki 2012

Only ORIGINAL receipts and boarding passes will be accepted for reimbursement of costs!

  1. For participants with a non-Norwegian bank account:
    Complete the form Account information - payments abroad (.odt, .rtf or .pdf)
    (Please note:
    • The field Beneficiary must include all owners of the account (e.g. MARIA AND JOHN ANDERSSON), not just the name of the person claiming expense refund.
    • The address on the form must correspond to the address registered by your bank.
    • Payments made to most European bank accounts must include both IBAN-code and BIC-address. Read the instructions on the form for payments to countries without IBAN-codes.
    • We can only make payments to private accounts. If a payment has to be made to an organisation, we need an invoice instead (Use the CEES billing address).
  2. Complete the form Expense refund (.odt, .doc  or .pdf).
    (Please note:
    • For non-Norwegians date of birth is sufficient where it says Date of birth + norw. id no. (if any), or employee no
    • The Department/section at UiO is Department of Biology, CEES.
    • Include the total amount in the box The amount covers.
    • The lower part (Account/Artskonto etc.) is for administrative use only. )
  3. Send us your receipts (-preferably attached next to each other on one or several sheets of paper) together with the form Expense refund and the Account information - payments abroad to this address:

Dept. of Biology
University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1066 Blindern
NO-0316 Oslo

Please allow for at least 6 weeks from when you send us your claim, until the money is on your account. A small discrepancy between the amount claimed and the amount paid might occur (due to variations in the exchange rate), but if the discrepancy is considerable please let us know as soon as possible.

Published Sep. 5, 2012 3:21 PM