47th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics Marine Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Prediction

4 -8 May 2015

Web site: http://modb.oce.ulg.ac.be/colloquium/
Ocean modelling has become a standard tool for management of ocean resources during the last decade. Observational networks are operating on a routine basis and numerical models are assimilating data for specific purposes. Though used routinely, monitoring, modelling and data assimilation still pose a series of open scientific questions that should be addressed in order to improve the products of those modelling, monitoring and prediction systems.

The aim of the colloquium is to bring together scientists in order to identify the most critical scientific improvements to be brought to these modelling and monitoring systems for marine environmental predictions and assessments. The colloquium will give the community an opportunity to express scientific needs and priorities based on experience from years of ocean observations and forecasting. Among the topics which should be covered by the presentations are the following:

*       Monitoring and data related problems including, cost/benefit analyses of observation networks (data impact studies), definition for optimal spatial and temporal coverage, quality check of data, optimisation of observational systems, integration of multidisciplinary observations, strategies for data storage and reanalyses, new low cost observing techniques, data mining and big data problems
*       Modelling and prediction aspects including error assessments, understanding and correction of biases, model error modeling, intercomparison strategies, specific adaptations for coastal zones vs. open ocean monitoring and modelling systems, incorporation of bio-geochemical and ecosystem modelling, coupling with atmospheric models, ice cover models, multi-model approaches and next generation models (e.g. finite volumes, adaptive grids).
*       Data Assimilation aspects including development of new assimilation techniques, incorporation of coastal data into open ocean models or global systems, up and downscaling problems, and qualitative and quantitative assessments of ocean analysis, assimilation challenges related to bio-geochemical and ecosystem models and dealing with non-gaussian distributions
*       Demonstrations of operational products and downstream applications (e.g. pollution management, climate predictions) are also welcome as well as presentations of existing operational systems and their defined needs for scientific development.

Deadline for Abstract submission: January 24th 2015.

Further details (Scientific committee, submission, registration, deadlines, venue, ...) are available in the attached document and on the web site

Published Nov. 12, 2014 10:06 AM - Last modified Nov. 12, 2014 10:06 AM