Scottish Marine Institute short courses in 2012

Throughout 2012, Scottish Marine Institue, Oban, Scotland


The Scottish Marine Institute is offering a growing range of short courses which will be of interest to marine professionals, students and other stakeholders.
Courses being run in early 2012 include:-
Database Data Management for Researchers (12-13 January 2012)
 Most modern research projects generate large amounts of data - saving valuable data in spreadsheets is neither safe nor secure and all datasets should ideally be saved in a database. If you would like to have a clear idea of what databases are, and you need to learn how to use them efficiently, then this course is for you.
Cryopreservation of algae and microorganisms (16-17 February 2012) Marine microbes are an under-explored and as yet virtually unexploited biotechnology resource. Future biotechnologies will have an absolute requirement for long-term preservation techniques (freeze-drying and cryopreservation). This two-day course includes lectures on the fundamental science of long-term preservation and hands-on application of conventional, as well as novel, preservation techniques.
Introduction to ecosystem modelling using Ecopath and Ecosim (21-23 Feb 2012)Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) is a free ecological/ecosystem modelling software suite which has been at the forefront of describing the ecosystem effects of fishing and climate change. This three-day course will assume no prior knowledge of food-web modelling and is suitable for undergraduate and post-graduate students wishing to gain a solid introduction to the trophic modelling software, Ecopath, and its ecological network analysis interface.
These courses are based at the Scottish Marine Institute which is near Oban, Scotland.
For further details and application please go to

Published Nov. 27, 2011 6:11 PM - Last modified Nov. 27, 2011 6:17 PM