Invitation to Apply: Modes of Variability in the Climate System Conference

Senior and emerging researchers in the field of past and future global change are invited to apply.

This conference is organised by the European Science Foundation (ESF) in partnership with Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck (LFUI).

The conference will take place on *27 May - 1 June 2012* in *Universitätszentrum Obergurgl, Austria*.

Submission Deadline: *22 January 2012* *Grants for Young and Early Stage Researchers available.*

Further information can be found below and at: <>

*Modes of Variability in the Climate System: Past-Present-Future*
27 May - 1 June 2012

Chaired by:
*Hubertus Fischer* - University of Bern, CH
*Eric. W. Wolff* - British Antarctic Survey, UK


This Conference aims at putting together the world`s most renowned
scientists in the field of past and future global change and in
particular experts in the current operation of modes in the climate
system and their past variability. The conference presentations will
characterize the mechanisms behind the most important modes and
teleconnection patterns in the ocean, atmosphere and on land at all
latitudes and their changes in the past in order to improve
predictability of climate variability in the future. This includes past
and future changes of modes and climate variability as well as feedbacks
of those changes in climate modes on biogeochemical cycles that may lead
to amplification of climate changes.

*Invited speakers will include*

*David Bromwich* - Ohio State University, US
*Jerome Chappellaz* - LGGE-CNRS, Grenoble, FR
*Jens Christensen* - DMI, Copenhagen, DK
*Clara Deser* - NCAR, Boulder, US
*Matthew England* - University of South Wales, AU
*Thomas Felis* - University of Bremen, DE
*Fillipo Giorgi* - Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical
Physics, Trieste, IT
*Gerald Haug* - ETH Zurich, CH
*Johann Jungclaus* - Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, DE
*Masa Kageyama* - CNRS-LSCE, Paris, FR
*Christine Klaas* - Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine
Research, DE
*Amaelle Landais* - LSCE-CNRS, Paris, FR
*Camille Li* - Bjerkness Center, Bergen, NO
*Zhengyu Liu* - University of Wisconsin, US
*Natalie Mahowald* - Cornell University, US
*Bette Otto-Bliesner* - NOAA, Boulder, US
*Joellen Russell* - University of Arizona, US
*Joy Singarayer* - University of Bristol, UK
*David Thompson* - Colorado State University, US
*Alexander Tudhope* - University of Edinburgh, UK
*Bo Vinther* - University of Copenhagen, DK
*Yongjing Wang* - Nanjing University, CN
*Rainer Zahn* - University of Barcelona, ES

*How to Participate*

Attendance is possible only after successful application. Application
form is accessible from

A certain number of grants are available for students and early stage
researchers to cover the conference fee and possibly part of the travel

Closing date for applications: *22 January 2012*

*Sponsor a Conference*

This conference will be providing the opportunity for leading scientists
and young researchers to meet for discussions on the most recent
developments in their fields of research. We enable collaboration
between international scientists from EU, first world and emerging
countries which acts as a catalyst for creating new synergistic global
contacts across disciplines.

We invite you to join us in harnessing this great potential, working
towards an even more cohesive scientific force in Europe and beyond by
contributing to our intense, dynamic and fun events.

If you are interested, please visit our Sponsor Resource Center at

Published Jan. 8, 2012 11:40 AM - Last modified Jan. 8, 2012 11:43 AM