Postdoctoral Fellow Opportunity: Mutli-species modelling for fisheries management in the Celtic Sea

Starting date: November 2015
Duration: 12 months
Net salary:  around  2140 € per month depending on previous experience (Gross salary, which includes social services and health insurance, is ca. 2675 € per month)

Context and objectives

The roadmap drawn by EU and ICES aims at providing integrated advice for the European fisheries and eco region. Among other aspects, multi-species (i.e. including biological interactions) advices based on trophic network modeling will need to be developed in a short future. 

The EATME project is part of this approach. The project will (i) collect stomach content for the relevant species in November 2014 during the scientific campaign EVHOE (ii), analyze the diet data in 2015 and (iii) develop multispecies assessment method for the Celtic sea eco-region. 

The main objective of this postdoctoral opportunity is to develop a multispecies assessment model for the Celtic sea Eco region. Multi-species assessments are already available for other Eco region (such as the North Sea and the Baltic) based on the Stochastic Multi Species (SMS) model (Lewy and Vinther, 2004). The development of such a tool for the Celtic sea requires defining the structure of the multi-species model based on a review of existing knowledge on the food web, new collected datasets and stock assessment models.

Keywords: Fishery science, modelling, trophic networks.

Laboratory of Ifremer Lorient

The unit of Fisheries Sciences and Technology of Ifremer provides diagnostics and scientific advices for stocks assessment and state of Eco region. It also contributes to the proposition and evaluation of management plan for fisheries, in response to societal demand, member state and fisherman organisations for the sustainable exploitation of marine resources that need to be economically efficient, socially fair and ecologically sustainable. 
The research topics of the laboratory tackle three axes: increasing knowledge in biology and ecology of exploited species, study of interactions between uses and ecosystems and the methodological development of models towards the ecosystems based approaches to fisheries. 


Required skills: 

Applicants must hold a Ph-D in marine ecology, fisheries, trophic modelling, population dynamics or related field. 

Applicants should have a strong background in trophic ecology, food web modelling (such as the Stochastic Multi Species), data analysis (stable isotope and stomach content) and associated skills. Knowledge in stock assessment modelling would be greatly appreciated. Strong background in programming, multivariate and Bayesian statistics would be greatly appreciated. 


Application should include: 
1.    A cover letter including  a statement of research interests for the position
2.    A detail CV including publications
3.    A summary of the PhD thesis and the date of the defence. 
4.    The names and conctat details (email and phone number) of at least two referees. 
Contact for applications: Applications should be sent to the scientific supervisors, ,  

Applicants must hold a Ph-D in ecology and be less than 35 years old. Applicants that have made her/his PhD at Ifremer or a previous postdoctorat must have spent at least 18 months outside France or in another institute than Ifremer. 

Closing date: The offer will remain open until July 31th 2015.

Published Apr. 14, 2015 1:22 PM