Transdisciplinary Academy in Marine Resource Sustainability

Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon August 25 - September 5, 2014

Transdisciplinary academy in marine resource sustainability at the Hatfield Marine Science Center (Newport, Oregon)


Integrated and participatory approaches to marine resource management not only require information about organisms and their environments, but must also include social, cultural, and historical perspectives to understand what motivates human actions. Thus, complex natural resource management issues need solutions that bridge the natural and social sciences. We are excited to announce a 2-week summer training academy that offers graduate students and postdocs an opportunity to learn and practice collaborative, transdisciplinary approaches for addressing problems in marine resource sustainability. Participants will:

  • Learn about marine resource sustainability from the perspectives of natural scientists, social scientists, managers, and stakeholders;

  • Identify challenges of effective cross-disciplinary collaborations and explore strategies to address these barriers;

  • Carry out cross-disciplinary group projects on pertinent issues and questions related to marine resource sustainability;

  • Develop sustained, cross-disciplinary interactions with peers from national and international institutions.

When and where

The academy will take place at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon, from August 25th to September 5th, 2014. One of the goals of this academy is for participants to work on real- world cross-disciplinary problems in marine science. Accordingly, course participants will be organized in clusters of 3-5 people with different disciplinary backgrounds (e.g., ecology, anthropology, economics). Each cluster will work on a project that is commissioned by a state or federal agency or is proposed by the participating students. This year, the focus of the academy will be on Catch Shares and Environmental Justice, but additional topics, crossing disciplinary boundaries, will also be considered for course projects. More information on projects topics, curriculum, instructors, and guest speakers can be found on the course website.

Application guidelines and eligibility criteria

The academy is open to a maximum of 12 Doctoral students and early career postdoctoral fellows in anthropology, economics, history, fisheries, ecology, oceanography, or related fields in marine resource science and policy. We encourage applications from students who have completed at least 2 years of their academic programs by fall 2014. Students can register as single participants or directly as an interdisciplinary cluster of 3-5 participants, with members from social and natural science fields. We anticipate providing some travel support for all students. Registration opens on April 1st and closes on May 15th, 2014.

To register, students will need to submit:

  • -  Cover letter (1-2 pages) describing research interests, reasons for attending the academy

  • -  2-page CV

  • -  Budget request for travel support (1 page)

  • -  (Optional) A description of a project and data sources that will be used during the training

    academy, if it already exists (max. 2 pages)

-  One letter of support from advisor or other faculty member


Please send application materials to Dr. Lorenzo Ciannelli ( 

Published Feb. 18, 2014 11:04 AM - Last modified Feb. 18, 2014 11:04 AM