Fisheries, Pollution and Environment - PESCA CONyMA 2012, Havana, Cuba May 22 – 24, 2012

The Fisheries Research Center invites researchers to attend a workshop in Cuba on fisheries resource management, with an focus on sustainability of marine resource management, aquaculture, marine ecosystem health.


The objectives of the workshop will be:

  • Contribute to the scientific exchange on issues of current importance such as fisheries, industrial processing and the development of aquaculture, taking into account the challenges facing the fishing industry at a global scale.
  • Promote in a context of reciprocity, the exchange of experiences in the face of commitments to achieve food security, based on the sustainable use of fishery resources and sustainability in aquaculture, and the increase of added value of the products from the sea.
  • Facilitate the meeting of experts to contribute to the knowledge of environmental and anthropogenic processes that affect the aquatic environment, in order to provide information to protect natural resources and ecosystems.

Scientific presentations, masterly lectures and discussion panels about specific themes, poster sessions and other materials will be held.


Thematic Areas

·         Sustainable use and management of marine and fishery resources.

·         The bioeconomy in the decision-making in the fisheries sector.

·         Health management in aquatic organisms.

·         Aquaculture.

·         Technology and health of fishery products.

·         Ecotoxicology.

·         Climatic change.

·         Aquatic pollution.

·         Aquatic biodiversity.

·         Management and protection of coastal ecosystems.

·         Disasters in aquatic environment.


Languages of the event

Spanish, english y portuguese


Presentation of thematic lectures

The presentation of thematic lectures may be asked, for which it must submit an abstract of no more than 250 words and a summary of the curriculum of the speaker, no more than two letter-sized papers, written to one space.


Organizing Committee

Dr. Rafael Tizol Correa, CIP.

Dra. Gilma Delgado, CIP.

Dr. Rafael Puga Millán, CIP.

Dra. Raquel Silveira Coffiny, CIP.

M.S. Mercedes Isla Molleda, CIP.

M.S. Servando Valle Gómez, CIP.

Lic. Oria de las Nieves Cruz, CIP.

Dra. Elisa García Rodríguez, MINAL.

Lic. Mercedes Dominguez Gonzalez, CIP

Ing. Feliberto Zamora Prieto, CIP.

Dr. Gustavo Arencibia Carballo, CIP.


Scientific Committee

Dr. Rafael A. Tizol Correa, CIP.

Dra. Ma. Estela de León González, CIP.

Dra. Raquel Silveira  Coffigny, CIP.

Dr. Enrique Giménez Hurtado CIP.

Dr. Rafael Puga Millán, CIP.

Dra. Lourdes Pérez Jar, CIP.

Dra. Gilma Delgado Miranda, CIP.

Dr. Barbaro Jaime Ceballo, CIP.

Dr. J. Nelson Fernández, CIP.

Dr. Gustavo Arencibia Carballo, CIP.

Dr. Manuel Rubio Limonta, CIP.

Dra. Beatriz Martinez Daranas, CIP.

M. S. Norberto Capetillo Piñar, CIP.

M. S. Mercedes Isla Molleda, CIP.

M.S. E. Raul Flores Gutierrez,  CIP.

M.S. Roberto Castello Baez, CIP.

M.S. Servando Valle Gómez, CIP.

M.S. Yanara Tamarit Pino, CIP.

M.S. Roberto Piñeiro Soto, CIP.



Authors must send fill out the registration form, and an extended abstract of the paper, letter-size paper (8 1/2 x11) before March 1, 2012, which will be submitted to arbitration by the Scientific Committee, this extended abstract should include:

·         On the first page: title, author and co-authors with full names, affiliation, address, phone/fax and e-mail address, and a summary of the paper in on paragraph with extension of one page, single spaced, Arial 12.

·         Extract from paper with no more than 5 pages, 1.5 spaced, Arial 12, which includes: introduction, objectives, material and methods, main results and/or conclusions



The posters as well as oral papers must be presented in the form of an extended abstract of 5 pages, according to the rules described here.

The format for the presentation of posters is up to 90 x 110 cm. The author and coauthors should appear with their full names, filiation, address, phone/fax and e-mail address.



The thematic conferences and scientific papers will be published on a CD, as memories of the workshop, which is the decision of the participants if they wish to be included.

The format of the extended abstract of 5 pages will be: title, authors name, filiation, address, phone, fax and e-mail, the abstract in Spanish, and English or Portuguese and five keywords.

The paper should meet the following structure:

·                  Title (alternative language).

·                  Abstract and keywords (alternative language). 250 words maximum.

·                  Introduction.

·                  Materials and methods.

·                  Results and discussion.

·                  Conclusions.

·                  Aknowledgements (optional).

·                  References.

Sponsors may incorporate a promotion of your institution with a maximum of no more than 12 Mb.


Registration Fee

National Delegate: 200,00 MN      /             Foreign Delegate: 200,00 CUC .


 The registration fee includes accreditation, welcome cocktail, a publication of the article, CD and workshop materials.


More information:

President of Workshop: Dr. Rafael A. Tizol Correa / Teléfono: (53 7) 209-7875

5ta Ave. y 246, Santa Fe, La Habana, Cuba, CP: 19100.

Lic. Oria Cruz, Secretary of Workshop.  E-mail:

Published Jan. 8, 2012 11:45 AM - Last modified Feb. 29, 2012 7:35 PM