Dan Holland

Economist, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

Dan Holland is an economist with the Northwest Fishery Science Center. He earned a Ph.D. in environmental and natural resource economics at the University of Rhode Island in 1998 and has since worked for government, academia, and industry in different parts of the US and in New Zealand. Dan is President Elect of the International Institute for Fisheries Economics and Trade, serves on the board the North American Association of Fisheries Economists, and is an associate editor of Marine Resource Economics. Dan’s research is focused on design and evaluation of fishery management tools and strategies that will lead to profitable and sustainable fisheries and a healthy marine ecosystem. He has a long standing interest in spatial aspects of fishery management such as marine reserves and area management. Current research foci include management approaches for limiting bycatch, catch share quota markets, bioeconomic modeling of coupled natural and human systems, and development of tools to evaluate how management actions affect the flow of ecosystem services from the marine environment.

Relevant Publications

  1. Holland, D.S. and G.E. Herrera 2012. The Impact of Age, Structure, Uncertainty, and Asymmetric Spatial Dynamics on Regulatory Performance in Fishery Metapopulation. Ecological Economics 77:207-18.
  2. Holland, D.S. 2011. Planning for Changing Productivity and Catchability in the Maine Lobster Fishery. Fisheries Research, 110(1):47-58.
  3. Holland, D.S. and G.E. Herrera 2010. The Benefits and Risks of Increased Spatial Resolution in Management of Fishery Metapopulations Under Uncertainty. Natural Resource Modeling 23(4):494-520.
  4. Holland, D.S. and G.E. Herrera 2009. Uncertainty in the Management of Fisheries: Contradictory Implications and a New Approach. Marine Resource Economics 24(3): 24(3):289-299.


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Published Aug. 31, 2012 5:55 PM - Last modified Nov. 27, 2012 1:12 PM